Chapter 14: iptables Log Visualization
Below are all visualizations of iptables log data within Chapter 14:Traffic Spike: Number of packets to ports per minute

Traffic Spike: Number of SYN packets to ports per hour

Port Scan: Source IP addresses vs. number of unique ports

Port Scan: Time vs. unique ports

Port Sweep: External sources vs. number of unique local destinations

Port Sweep (3D): External source addresses vs. destination ports vs. packet counts

Port Sweep: MySQL 3306

Link graph of MySQL port sweep

Slammer worm: packet counts by the hour

Slammer worm: packet counts by the minute

Nachi worm traffic by the hour

Link graph of Nachi worm 92-byte ICMP packets

Compromised Honeynet system: Point graph of outbound connections

Compromised Honeynet system: Link graph of outbound connections