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22 November, 2005
The 1.4.4 release of
psad is ready for
download. Here is an excerpt from
- Added MAC address reporting in psad email alerts. This feature is
enabled via a new config keyword "ENABLE_MAC_ADDR_REPORTING".
- Added --fw-rm-block-ip option to allow IP addresses to be removed
from the auto-blocking chains from the command line.
- Updated command line firewall arguments to write commands to the
AUTO_IPT_SOCK domain socket.
- Added the ability to specify ports and port ranges to auto_dl file.
- Added --force-mod-install command line argument to installer to force
perl modules used by psad to be installed within /usr/lib/psad
regardless of whether they already exist in the system perl tree.
- Bugfix for psad repeatedly trying to remove the same IP address(es)
from the auto-blocking chains.
22 November, 2005
| Software Releases
| By: Michael Rash
20 November, 2005

Fwsnort project translates
Snort rules into equivalent Netfilter rules in the Linux kernel, and relies heavily
on the Netfilter string match extension to match application layer data against
malicious content strings. The string match extension is available once again with
the release of the 2.6.14 Linux kernel (it was not available in any 2.6.x kernel
until now). If you want to be able to run a decent percentage of Snort rules
directly within the Linux kernel without having to run Snort at all,
download Fwsnort!
20 November, 2005
| IDS and iptables
| By: Michael Rash
11 November, 2005
The 0.8.1 release of
fwsnort is ready for
download. Here is an excerpt from
- Updated to use the string match extension "--algo bm" argument if
fwsnort is being run on a 2.6.14 (or greater) kernel.
- Updated to handle the Snort "offset" and "depth" keywords via the
--from and --to options to the string match extension in the 2.6.14
- Created RPM package of fwsnort.
- Minor documentation updates.
11 November, 2005
| Software Releases
| By: Michael Rash
13 October, 2005
The 0.9.4 release of
gpgdir is ready for
download. Here is an excerpt from
- Updated test mode to encrypt and decrypt a testing file within the
directory to be encrypted or decrypted. This file is located at
<dir>gpgdir_test, and is removed after the test is completed.
- Bugfix for "protocol error: expected SHM_GET_XXX got GOOD_PASSPHRASE"
error in GnuPG module.
13 October, 2005
| Software Releases
| By: Michael Rash
02 October, 2005
The 0.9.5 release of
fwknop is ready for
download. Here is an excerpt from
- Added the ability to resolve the external IP associated with the
local network via This is a more secure
method of accomplishing what the -s option performs. The new
command line option is --whatismyip (or just -w).
- Updated fwknop to communicate with knoptm via a UNIX domain socket
instead of the previous file-based communication.
- Updated to flush the fwknop Netfilter chains at start time.
- Bugfix for removing the wrong hash key in the knoptm IP cache.
02 October, 2005
| Software Releases
| By: Michael Rash
27 September, 2005
The 1.4.3 release of
psad is ready for
download. Here is an excerpt from
- Bugfixes for auto-blocking code. Timeouts should be handled
properly, including cached IP addresses in the auto_blocked_iptables
file that are referenced upon psad startup. Communication with the
running psad is performed over a Unix domain socket in --fw-block
- Bugfix to seek to the end of the fwdata file instead of reading the
entire thing into memory and then looking for newly written logging
messages. This drastically reduces the amount of memory required
by psad.
- Updated to only display psad chains if --verbose is set.
- Updated to automatically flush the psad auto-response Netfilter chains
at start time (subject to a new config keyword "FLUSH_IPT_AT_INIT").
27 September, 2005
| Software Releases
| By: Michael Rash
18 September, 2005
The 0.9.4 release of
fwknop is ready for
download. Here is an excerpt from
- Bugfix for knoptm timing out new entries based on old time values
(this caused new rules to timed out too quickly).
- Added support for multiple users in REQUIRE_USERNAME keyword in
- Added the ability to display raw encrypted packet data in client
mode with --verbose.
- Created fwknop RPM for RPM-based Linux distributions.
- Bugfix for inappropriate redirects in command mode where the command
already contained a redirect.
18 September, 2005
| Software Releases
| By: Michael Rash
14 September, 2005
Jose Nazario has written a favorable book
review for
Slashdot of my book
Intrusion Prevention and Active Response: Deploying Network and Host IPS. This book was published by published by
Syngress Publishing, and is the first to concentrate exclusively on the concept of
Intrusion Prevention.
14 September, 2005
| In The News
| By: Michael Rash
05 September, 2005
The and websites have been updated
to use the
Apache Forrest project for a better
and more consistent look and feel. The Forrest project uses a validated XML description
for each html page, which is automatically rendered and checked for consistency.
05 September, 2005
| Site News
| By: Michael Rash
29 August, 2005
At the seventh
ToorCon conference (September 16-18th
in San Diego) I will be giving a
Netfilter and Encrypted, Non-replayable, Spoofable, Single Packet Remote
Authorization. This will be the first conference presentation I make about the concept
of Single Packet Authorization as implemented by
Stop by to say "hello" if you are going to attend ToorCon!
Slides can be found
29 August, 2005
| Conference Talks
| By: Michael Rash
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