Michael Rash, Security Researcher

Software Release - fwsnort-0.7.0

The 0.7.0 release of fwsnort is ready for download. Here is an excerpt from the ChangeLog:
  • Added support for the Snort pass action by using the ACCEPT target.
  • Added support for the Snort log action by using the ULOG target (which can then log the packet via the pcap writer).
  • Added support for all fwsnort alerts to be logged via the ULOG target instead of the LOG target.
  • Added support for the "resp" keyword to allow it to drive the Netfilter argument to the REJECT target.
  • Added "pcre" to the unsupported list... this knocks the fwsnort translation rate down to about 50% for Snort-2.3 rules (pcre is heavily utilized).
  • Added "priority" and "rev" to comment lines.