Software Release - fwsnort-0.8.2
17 February, 2007

- Updated to newer IPTables::Parse module that uses the array of hash references method of returning iptables policy data.
- Added --Dump-ipt and --Dump-snort rules to allow iptables policy and Snort rules to be dumped to STDOUT.
- Added bleeding-all.rules file from
- Added patches/bm_goodshift_fix.patch patch file that fixes an initialization bug in the Boyer-Moore text search implementation in the kernel (linux-2.6.x/lib/ts_bm.c) which caused slightly repetitive patterns to only match at specific offsets with the string match extension.
- Bugfix to ensure that a depth cannot be less that an offset (these translate to the --to and --from command line arguments to iptables).
- Bugfix to escape '$' chars in iptables search strings.
- Added cd_rpmbuilder to make it easy to automatically build RPM files of fwsnort.
- Added support for the iptables OUTPUT chain.
- Added the ChangeLog.svn file so that all of the changed files and corresponding svn commit messages can be viewed (this file is built from release to release).