The Security Properties of Port Knocking and SPA
21 January, 2008
There has been a recent thread on the Security Focus Security Basics mailing list entitled Port Knocking Vulnerabilities. It seems that a common concern in this thread is to concentrate on whether a service that is protected by a default-drop packet filter and associated port knocking or Single Packet Authorization system can be detected remotely by an attacker. That is, people seem to associate the security of port knocking and SPA with whether or not a service protected by such a mechanism can be detected. Some in the thread make a case that protected services can be detected through timing attacks whereby packet latencies with surrounding systems are monitored for variances which indicate the existence of a particular service or services behind the packet filter. To this I responded:
I find it interesting that people concentrate on whether a service protected by a default-drop packet filter and a port knocking or SPA system is detectable. Let's assume for a moment that such a timing attack is able to give an attacker a high probability that SSH is really running behind a port knocking or SPA system. Now, what would the attacker be able to do to exploit a vulnerability (zero day or otherwise) in the SSH daemon? It is easier to subvert the port knocking protocol (I wrote a paper on this here if anyone is interested:, but how about SPA?
Perhaps this discussion could be extended on Sebastien Jeanquier's online Single Packet Authorization forum.