Michael Rash, Security Researcher

Software Release - gpgdir-1.7

gpgdir-1.7 released The 1.7 release of gpgdir is ready for download. This release fixes a bug that was introduced in gpgdir-1.6 that caused previously encrypted directories to not be decrypted in --decrypt mode. This bug was reported by Per Ronny Westin, and the result is the addition of a new test suite so that bugs of this type don't creep back into the gpgdir development process. Here is some sample output of the new test suite in action: [+] ==> Running gpgdir test suite <==

(Setup) gpgdir program compilation..................................pass (0)
(Setup) Command line argument processing............................pass (1)
(Test mode) gpgdir basic test mode..................................pass (2)
(Encrypt dir) gpgdir directory encryption...........................pass (3)
(Encrypt dir) Files recursively encrypted...........................pass (4)
(Encrypt dir) Excluded hidden files/dirs............................pass (5)
(Decrypt dir) gpgdir directory decryption...........................pass (6)
(Decrypt dir) Files recursively decrypted...........................pass (7)
(MD5 digest) match across encrypt/decrypt cycle.....................pass (8)
(Ascii-armor dir) gpgdir directory encryption.......................pass (9)
(Ascii-armor dir) Files recursively encrypted.......................pass (10)
(Ascii-armor dir) Excluded hidden files/dirs........................pass (11)
(Decrypt dir) gpgdir directory decryption...........................pass (12)
(Decrypt dir) Files recursively decrypted...........................pass (13)
(MD5 digest) match across encrypt/decrypt cycle.....................pass (14)

[+] ==> Passed 15/15 tests against gpgdir. <==
[+] This console output has been stored in: test.log
Here is the complete ChangeLog: for the 1.7 release:
  • Bugfix to ensure that encrypted directories can actually be decrypted. This bug was reported by Per Ronny Westin.
  • Updated to use the ".asc" extension for encrypted files in --Plain-ascii mode.
  • Added gpgdir test suite. All future gpgdir releases (and including this 1.7 release) require that all gpgdir tests pass on the systems where gpgdir is developed.