Three software releases - psad, fwknop, gpgdir
08 June, 2008

For psad, it was time to make a new release after it became necessary to update the whois client so that IP addresses such as (which was scanning a psad user) could be properly identified with whois records. In addition, psad was updated to parse syslog files directly for iptables log messages instead of requiring reconfiguration of the syslog daemon to write messages to the /var/lib/psad/psadfifo named pipe. This simplifies the proper installation of psad, and is now a default setting. Although there is a slight performance penalty since psad now parses all messages that are written to the /var/log/messages file (this is the default path), it should not be noticeable on most systems. Further, the old behavior of using the named pipe can be restored via the ENABLE_SYSLOG_FILE variable in the /etc/psad/psad.conf file.
Finally, Franck Joncourt has made excellent progress in developing Debian packages for the IPTables::ChainMgr and IPTables::Parse modules, and he is also close to a Debian package for the fwknop project.
The complete change logs for these new releases can be found as follows: psad-2.1.3, fwknop-1.9.5, and gpgdir-1.9.1