Software Release - IPTables perl modules
18 October, 2008

In psad, the IPTables::Parse module is primarily used to look for default logging rules in the INPUT and FORWARD chains in the local iptables policy. Such rules are necessary for psad to detect port scans and other malicious traffic because it uses iptables log information as its data source. Traffic that does not hit an ACCEPT rule should normally be logged and dropped anyway, and psad tries to programmatically determine whether the iptables policy is indeed configured in this way. The IPTables::ChainMgr module is also used by psad to add and delete new blocking rules against malicious IP addresses whenever automatic responses are configured (see the ENABLE_AUTO_IDS variable in the /etc/psad/psad.conf file).
fwknop uses the IPTables::ChainMgr module to add ACCEPT rules for IP addresses that have been properly authenticated either by generating a proper port knocking sequence (which is parsed out of iptables log messages), or by sending a valid SPA message. The knoptm daemon then uses the IPTables::ChainMgr to delete any rules that were added by the fwknopd daemon after a configurable time delay.
fwsnort uses the IPTables::Parse module to look for iptables rules that block traffic that matches the transport layer criteria in translated Snort rules. That is, if the iptables policy blocks all attempts to communicate with a web server, then it is pointless to translate Snort rules that are designed to detect attacks against web servers. While fwsnort uses the iptables state tracking modules to ensure that application layer attacks are only searched for in established TCP connections (so spoofing a TCP packet with a malicious payload does not cause an event to be generated), if the iptables policy blocks all traffic anyway for some particular TCP port then it is more efficient to exclude signatures that detect attacks on this port.
The updates to the IPTables::ChainMgr module are as follows (and similar changes have been made to the IPTables::Parse module as well):
- Added the ability to control the iptables execution model. The default is to use waitpid(), but other options are to use system() or popen().
- Added the ability to introduce a configurable time delay between each iptables command.
- Added the ability to use a function reference for the SIGCHLD signal handler.
- Added the ability to configure the number of seconds used as the alarm timeout for iptables command execution in the waitpid() execution model.
- Passed IPTables::ChainMgr options for the execution model, configurable alarm timeouts, the SIGCHLD signal handler reference, and the configurable number of seconds for additional sleeps between iptables commands to the IPTables::Parse module.
- Bugfix for SIGALRM handling to be more consistent with an example from the perlipc man page.
- Added append_ip_rule() so that new iptables rules can be appended to the end of a chain instead of just inserted at a particular rule number.