Software Release - fwsnort-1.0.6
30 May, 2009

Here is the complete ChangeLog:
- (Franck Joncourt) Updated fwsnort to use the "! <option> <arg> syntax instead of the older "<option> ! <arg> for the iptables command line.
- (Franck Joncourt) For the --hex-string and --string matches, if the argument exceeds 128 bytes (iptables 1.4.2) then iptables fails with an error "iptables v1.4.2: STRING too long". Fixes this with a patch that adds a new variable in fwsnort.conf "MAX_STRING_LEN", so that the size of the content can be limited. If the content (null terminated string) is more than MAX_STRING_LEN chars, fwsnort throws the rule away.
- Bug fix to allow fwsnort to properly translate snort rules that have "content" fields with embedded escaped semicolons (e.g. "\;"). This allows fwsnort to translate about 58 additional rules from the Emerging Threats rule set.
- Bug fix to allow case insensitive matches to work properly with the --include-re-caseless and --exclude-re-caseless arguments.
- Bug fix to move the 'rawbytes' keyword to the list of keywords that are ignored since iptables does a raw match anyway as it doesn't run any preprocessors in the Snort sense.
- Added the --snort-rfile argument so that a specific Snort rules file (or list of files separated by commas) is parsed.
- Added a small hack to choose the first port from a port list until the iptables 'multiport' match is supported.
- Updated to consolidate spaces in hex matches in the script since the spaces are not part of patterns to be searched anyway.
- Updated to the latest complete rule set from Emerging Threats (see
- Added the "fwsnort-nobuildreqs.spec" file for building fwsnort on
systems (such as Debian) that do not install/upgrade software via RPM.
This file omits the "BuildRequires: perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker" directive,
and this fixes errors like the following on an Ubuntu system when
building fwsnort with rpmbuild:
rpm: To install rpm packages on Debian systems, use alien. See README.Debian.
error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - No such file or directory (2)
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm