Disrupting Conficker Worm Traffic with iptables and fwsnort
04 July, 2009

In the context of iptables and fwsnort, the goal is to give Linux systems the ability to detect and interfere network traffic associated with Conficker (at least as much as possible), and this process starts with Snort rules from the Emerging Threats rule set. There are currently six active Snort rules designed to detect Conficker in the Emerging Threats set, and an additional four that have been commented out. The six active rules so far detect the Conficker.A and Conficker.B variants, but hopefully more rules will become available as better detection techniques are developed.
Now, how does fwsnort do with translating the six Emerging Threats rules? Let's find out with the command below. This uses the --include-regex feature to restrict fwsnort to just those rules that contain the string "conficker", and we also add the new --include-perl-trigger argument (to be released in fwsnort-1.0.7) that builds a perl command to mimic the application layer data in each Snort rule. By combining this perl command with netcat, it is possible to test whether the iptables policy built by fwsnort properly detects attacks. Finally, we also use the --ipt-reject argument to have iptables drop any packet that matches the Conficker signatures and reset the connection at the same time:
# fwsnort --include-regex conficker --include-re-caseless --snort-rfile /etc/fwsnort/snort_rules/emerging-all.rules --include-perl-triggers --ipt-reject | tail -n 4
[+] Generated iptables rules for 3 out of 6 signatures: 50.00%
[+] Logfile: /var/log/fwsnort.log
[+] iptables script: /etc/fwsnort/fwsnort.sh
Ok, so three out of the six signatures (I'm using 'signature' and 'rule'
interchangeably in this blog post) converted properly to iptables rules.
Those that did not convert contain elements such as pcre and threshold
that are not currently supported by fwsnort.
Below is an example of one Snort signature that did convert correctly. This is rule ID 2009201, and it detects shellcode directed at TCP/445 from Conficker.B:
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET 445 (msg:"ET CURRENT_EVENTS Conficker.b Shellcode"; flow:established,to_server; content:"|e8 ff ff ff ff c2|_|8d|O|10 80|1|c4|Af|81|9MSu|f5|8|ae c6 9d a0|O|85 ea|O|84 c8|O|84 d8|O|c4|O|9c cc|Ise|c4 c4 c4|,|ed c4 c4 c4 94|&<O8|92|\;|d3|WG|02 c3|,|dc c4 c4 c4 f7 16 96 96|O|08 a2 03 c5 bc ea 95|\;|b3 c0 96 96 95 92 96|\;|f3|\;|24 |i|95 92|QO|8f f8|O|88 cf bc c7 0f f7|2I|d0|w|c7 95 e4|O|d6 c7 17 cb c4 04 cb|{|04 05 04 c3 f6 c6 86|D|fe c4 b1|1|ff 01 b0 c2 82 ff b5 dc b6 1f|O|95 e0 c7 17 cb|s|d0 b6|O|85 d8 c7 07|O|c0|T|c7 07 9a 9d 07 a4|fN|b2 e2|Dh|0c b1 b6 a8 a9 ab aa c4|]|e7 99 1d ac b0 b0 b4 fe eb eb|"; reference:url,www.honeynet.org/node/388; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/2009201; reference:url,www.emergingthreats.net/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/sigs/CURRENT_EVENTS/CURRENT_Conficker; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:2009201; rev:4;)
Here is the equivlent iptables command built by fwsnort and included in the
/etc/fwsnort/fwsnort.sh script. Note the usage of the FWSNORT_FORWARD_ESTAB
chain which is reserved for packets that are part of established TCP connections:
$IPTABLES -A FWSNORT_FORWARD_ESTAB -p tcp --dport 445 -m string --hex-string "|e8ffffffffc2|_|8d|O|1080|1|c4|Af|81|9MSu|f5|8|aec69da0|O|85ea|O|84c8|O|84d8|O|c4|O|9ccc|Ise|c4c4c4|,|edc4c4c494|&<O8|923bd3|WG|02c3|,|dcc4c4c4f7169696|O|08a203c5bcea953bb3c096969592963bf33b24|i|9592|QO|8ff8|O|88cfbcc70ff7|2I|d0|w|c795e4|O|d6c717cbc404cb|{|040504c3f6c686|D|fec4b1|1|ff01b0c282ffb5dcb61f|O|95e0c717cb|s|d0b6|O|85d8c707|O|c0|T|c7079a9d07a4|fN|b2e2|Dh|0cb1b6a8a9abaac4|]|e7991dacb0b0b4feebeb|" --algo bm -m comment --comment "sid:2009201; msg:ET CURRENT_EVENTS Conficker.b Shellcode; classtype:trojan-activity; reference:url,www.honeynet.org/node/388; rev:4; FWS:1.0.6;" -j LOG --log-ip-options --log-tcp-options --log-prefix "[3] DRP SID2009201 ESTAB "
Because the pattern in the above signature is longer than 128 bytes, we'll increase
the value of the MAX_STRING_LEN variable to 256 in the /etc/fwsnort/fwsnort.conf
file. With that done, let's execute the /etc/fwsnort/fwsnort.sh script now and
see how iptables handles such traffic on the wire:
# /etc/fwsnort/fwsnort.sh
[+] Adding emerging-all rules:
iptables v1.4.1.1: STRING too long `|e8ffffffffc2|_|8d|O|1080|1|c4|Af|81|9MSu|f5|8|aec69da0|O|85ea|O|84c8|O|84d8|O|c4|O|9ccc|Ise|c4c4c4|,|edc4c4c494|&<O8|923bd3|WG|02c3|,|dcc4c4c4f7169696|O|08a203c5bcea953bb3c096969592963bf33b24|i|9592|QO|8ff8|O|88cfbcc70ff7|2I|d0|w|c795e4|O|d6c717cbc404cb|{|040504c3f6c686|D|fec4b1|1|ff01b0c282ffb5dcb61f|O|95e0c717cb|s|d0b6|O|85d8c707|O|c0|T|c7079a9d07a4|fN|b2e2|Dh|0cb1b6a8a9abaac4|]|e7991dacb0b0b4feebeb|'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
Ok, that is disappointing. It turns out that iptables currently enforces a 128-byte
maximum on all strings supplied to the string match extension for inspecting payload
data. Normally this is not a problem since the individual patterns in most Snort
rules are typically less than 128 bytes, but in this case we'd like to work around
this limitation. To do so requires that we patch and recompile the xt_string
kernel module (assuming xt_string is configured as a module) with the following
# git diff
diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter/xt_string.h b/include/linux/netfilter/xt_string.h
index 8a6ba7b..afc60a2 100644
--- a/include/linux/netfilter/xt_string.h
+++ b/include/linux/netfilter/xt_string.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#ifndef _XT_STRING_H
#define _XT_STRING_H
enum {
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ struct xt_string_info
u_int16_t to_offset;
- u_int8_t patlen;
+ u_int16_t patlen;
union {
struct {
u_int8_t invert;
With the new xt_string module loaded let's execute the fwsnort.sh script once
# /etc/fwsnort/fwsnort.sh
[+] Adding emerging-all rules:
Rules added: 12
[+] Finished.
Ah, that's better. The fwsnort iptables policy loaded properly in the running
kernel. Now, let's use the perl trigger command along with netcat to send data
across the wire that should match the signature. The trigger itself can be
found in the /etc/fwsnort/fwsnort.sh script. First, we fire up a netcat
server on TCP port 445 on a target system which is protected by another system
running the fwsnort iptables policy, and then with the perl trigger we send
bytes that match the Conficker.B shell code signature across the wire to the
target. The complete perl command is listed below even though it certainly is
obtuse looking. You can see how the bytes it is printing match the content
strings in the original signature:
[target]# nc -l -p 445
[attacker]$ perl -e 'print "\xe8\xff\xff\xff\xff\xc2_\x8dO\x10\x801\xc4Af\x819MSu\xf58\xae\xc6\x9d\xa0O\x85\xeaO\x84\xc8O\x84\xd8O\xc4O\x9c\xccIse\xc4\xc4\xc4,\xed\xc4\xc4\xc4\x94&<O8\x92\x3b\xd3WG\x02\xc3,\xdc\xc4\xc4\xc4\xf7\x16\x96\x96O\x08\xa2\x03\xc5\xbc\xea\x95\x3b\xb3\xc0\x96\x96\x95\x92\x96\x3b\xf3\x3b\x24i\x95\x92QO\x8f\xf8O\x88\xcf\xbc\xc7\x0f\xf72I\xd0w\xc7\x95\xe4O\xd6\xc7\x17\xcb\xc4\x04\xcb{\x04\x05\x04\xc3\xf6\xc6\x86D\xfe\xc4\xb11\xff\x01\xb0\xc2\x82\xff\xb5\xdc\xb6\x1fO\x95\xe0\xc7\x17\xcbs\xd0\xb6O\x85\xd8\xc7\x07O\xc0T\xc7\x07\x9a\x9d\x07\xa4fN\xb2\xe2Dh\x0c\xb1\xb6\xa8\xa9\xab\xaa\xc4]\xe7\x99\x1d\xac\xb0\xb0\xb4\xfe\xeb\xeb"' |nc 445
The fwsnort iptables policy has reset the connection, and the following iptables
log message was also produced:
Jul 4 13:23:18 fwsnort kernel: [10966.350782] [2] REJ SID2009201 ESTAB IN=lo OUT= MAC=AB:00:00:AB:00:00:AB:00:00:AB:00:00:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=244 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=5976 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=49053 DPT=445 WINDOW=513 RES=0x00 ACK PSH URGP=0 OPT (0101080A0028B05B0028B058)
Of course, the best defense against Conficker is to patch Windows systems against
the MS08-067 vulnerability, and to use Nmap to scan for systems that are already
infected. Those that are should be completely reimaged.