Switched from subversion to git
26 June, 2011

The trac interface will remain active for a little while to see the legacy svn repositories, but the git repositories were all converted from these in order to preserve the history so trac is no longer important. If you are interested in the latest code changes in, say, fwsnort then just clone the repository and then you can make your own changes:
$ git clone http://www.cipherdyne.org/git/fwsnort.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/mbr/tmp/git/fwsnort/.git/
$ cd fwsnort
$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
$ git show --summary
commit 00c4379a69975097948ed9e5ba356eeba69c0c93
Author: Michael Rash <mbr@cipherdyne.org>
Date: Mon Jun 20 21:00:57 2011 -0400
Added the --Conntrack-state argument
Added the --Conntrack-state argument to specify a conntrack state in place of
the "established" state that commonly accompanies the Snort "flow" keyword.
By default, fwsnort uses the conntrack state of "ESTABLISHED" for this. In
certain corner cases, it might be useful to use "ESTABLISHED,RELATED" instead
to apply application layer inspection to things like ICMP port unreachable
messages that are responses to real attempted communications. (Need to add
UDP tracking for the _ESTAB chains for this too - coming soon.)