Software Release - fwknop-2.0.4
09 December, 2012

- [client] Misc fixes and the addition of save_args and last command (.fwknop.last) support on the Windows platform.
- [client] Fixed bug in username determination code where a valid value could be overrwritten in certain circumstances.
- [server] Added upstart config at extras/upstart/fwknop.conf. This allows the fwknopd to easily be managed with upstart via commands like "service fwknop start" and "service fwknop stop".
- [server] (Vlad Glagolev) Submitted a patch to fix ndbm/gdbm usage when --disable-file-cache is used for the autoconf configure script. This functionality was broken in be4193d734850fe60f14a26b547525ea0b9ce1e9 through improper handling of #define macros from --disable-file-cache.
- [server] (Vlad Glagolev) Submitted a patch to fix command exec mode under SPA message type validity test. Support for command exec mode was also added to the test suite.
- (Vlad Glagolev) Submitted an OpenBSD port for fwknop-2.0.3, and this has been checked in under the extras/openbsd/ directory.
- [server] Bug fix to allow GPG_ALLOW_NO_PW to result in not also having to specify a Rijndael key.
- [Android] Added new .properties files to allow the fwknop client to build and function properly on the latest Android release (4.1.2).
- [client] Added '-P udpraw' to allow the client to send SPA packets over UDP with a spoofed source IP address. This is in addition to the original 'tcpraw' and 'icmp' protocols that also support a spoofed source IP.
- [libfko] Bug fix to check b64_decode() return value to ensure that non-base64 encoded data is never used. Even though other validation routines checked decoded results, it is important to discard invalid data as early as possible. Note too that such invalid data would only be provided to b64_decode() after proper decryption, so the client must provide authentic SPA data.
- [libfko] Added validation of NAT access strings in the various NAT modes.
- [libfko] Restricted usernames embedded in SPA packets to be alpha-numeric along with "-" chars.
- [client] (Franck Joncourt) Contributed a patch to allow the fwknop client to be stopped during the password entry prompt with Ctrl-C before any SPA packet is sent on the wire.
- [client+server] Applied patch from Franck Joncourt to remove unnecessary chmod() call when creating client rc file and server replay cache file. The permissions are now set appropriately via open(), and at the same time this patch fixes a potential race condition since the previous code used fopen() followed by chmod().
- [server] Bug fix to accept SPA packets over ICMP if the fwknop client is executed with '-P icmp' and the user has the required privileges.
- [test suite] Applied patch from Franck Joncourt to have the perl FKO module link against libfko in the local directory (if it exists) so that it doesn't have to have libfko completely installed in the /usr/lib/ directory. This allows the test suite to run FKO tests without installing libfko.
- [test suite] Significant update to include a set of fuzzing SPA packets that are built using a patched version of libfko. These packets are located in the test/fuzzing/bogus_spa_packets file, and are designed to ensure proper validation of SPA packet data. This validation is performed in --enable-perl-module-checks mode via the perl FKO module.
- [client] Added --icmp-type and --icmp-code arguments so the user can control the icmp type/code combination for spoofed SPA packets ('-P icmp') mode.
- [client] Updated default TTL value to 64 for spoofed SPA packets. This is closer to more OS default TTL values than the previous 255.
- Updated build CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to conform to the Debian hardening-includes file for PIE support (e.g. '-fPIE' for CFLAGS and '-fPIE -pie' for LDFLAGS).
- [test suite] For GnuPG tests that require a passphrase associated with a gpg key, added a pinentry check to see if the local gpg engine requires it. If so, the gpg test that require a key are excluded since.
- [server] Added a new '--pcap-file <file>' option to allow pcap files to be processed directly by fwknopd instead of sniffing an interface. This feature is mostly intended for debugging purposes.
- [server] Added chain_exists() check to SPA rule creation so that if any of the fwknop chains are deleted out from under fwknopd they will be recreated on the fly. This mitigates scenarios where fwknopd might be started before a system level firewall policy is applied due to init script ordering, or if an iptables policy is re-applied without restarting fwknopd.