03 November, 2006

I am writing a book for
No Starch Press
"Linux Firewalls: Attack Detection
and Response". This book will be available for purchase in late February of 2007,
but can be pre-ordered online through
No Starch or through
Topics covered in the book include intrusion detection and prevention with
firewalls, and this includes significant coverage of both
fwsnort. In addition, two chapters deal with the rise
port knocking and
Single Packet Authorization,
particularly with
fwknop. I'm currently writing the last
four out of a total of thirteen chapters, so the bulk of the writing is finished.
Pablo Neira Ayuso of Netfilter fame is the Technical Editor for the book, and his
input has been invaluable to tightening many of the technical arguments.
Ron Gula
Tenable Network Security has
also written some kind words about the book.