psad: Intrusion Detection and Log Analysis with iptables
psad is a collection of three lightweight system daemons (two main daemons and one helper daemon) that run on Linux machines and analyze iptables log messages to detect port scans and other suspicious traffic. A typical deployment is to run psad on the iptables firewall where it has the fastest access to log data.
Significant coverage of psad, including a full discussion of its iptables log analysis capabilities and the ability to interface with graphing software such as AfterGlow and Gnuplot, can be found in the book Linux Firewalls: Attack Detection and Response with iptables, psad, and fwsnort. Several iptables log visualizations from Chapter 14 of the book are available online, and two such examples appear below. The first example is a link graph produced by AfterGlow of iptables log messages that are indicative of the Nachi Worm:

psad is developed around three main principles:
- Good network security starts with a properly configured firewall.
- A significant amount of intrusion detection data can be gleaned from firewalls logs, especially if the logs provide information on nearly every field of the network and transport headers (and even application layer signature matches as in Netfilter's case when also running fwsnort).
- Suspicious traffic should not be detected at the expense of trying to also block such traffic.
psad began as part of the Bastille Linux project in the fall of 1999 after it was decided Bastille needed to have a lightweight network intrusion detection component, and the result was the "Bastille-NIDS". In March, 2001 Bastille-NIDS was made into its own project and called the "Port Scan Attack Detector" (psad). The development cycle for psad it quite active and a major release is made on average once every few months.[1] Logstash and UFW integration are possible thanks to Rinck Sonnenberg.