Software Release - psad-2.0.3
31 December, 2006

- Removed perl module and and scripts. This is a major change that allows psad to be more flexible and completely derive its config from the psad.conf file and from the command line. In the previous scheme, psad imported its config with a function within, and this required that psad imported the Psad perl module before reading its config. A consequence was that the PSAD_LIBS_DIR var could not be specified usefully within the config file.
- Added the ability to recursively resolve embedded variables from *.conf files (with a limit of 20 resolution attempts).
- Added IGNORE_KERNEL_TIMESTAMP so that Linux distros that add a timestamp to all kernel messages (Ubuntu for example) can be ignored.
- Consolidated code to import data out of /var/log/psad/<ip> directories with code to display status and analysis output (-S and -A). Essentially the %scan hash is built by the filesystem data import routine and the remainder of the code references this single data structure.