Trailing Spaces and iptables LOG Prefixes
29 August, 2007

A useful feature is that iptables LOG rules accept up to a 29-character string that is set by the user in order to add descriptive information to a log message when a packet triggers a LOG match. This is used by many open source projects to make iptables logs more effective when packets are logged. For example, fwsnort creates log prefixes such as "[1] REJ SID2180 ESTAB" when the Snort rule ID 2180 "P2P BitTorrent announce request" is detected by the fwsnort iptables policy. This prefix contains the rule number (1 in this case), shows that the TCP connection was terminated with a RST (indicated by the REJ string), and the original signature match took place over an established TCP connection (indicated by ESTAB).
This is all fine, but there is one minor wrinkle that affects many open source projects based around iptables: the LOG target does not enforce a trailing space character on log prefixes. This results in an unfortunate situation where the user can cause iptables to create log messages that break its own notion of tokens that define the shape of the log messages. For example, here is an iptables rule along with its resulting log message when a TCP SYN packet is sent to port 5001:
# iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 5001 -j LOG --log-prefix "TEST"
Aug 28 22:04:43 minastirith kernel: TESTIN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:13:d3:38:b6:e4:00:13:46:c2:60:44:08:00
SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x10 PREC=0x00 TTL=63 ID=56577 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=53479
DPT=5001 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
Note the "TESTIN=eth0" string above. This string only exists because neither the ipt_LOG.c
code distributed with the Linux kernel nor the libipt_LOG.c distributed with iptables adds a
trailing space after the "TEST" string. If the rule had been built with "--log-prefix "TEST "
(note the trailing space), then the log message would not break its own syntax.
Patches to enforce this behavior for this have been proposed before on the Netfilter development list, but they have not been accepted. The reason given is that the Netfilter maintainers don't want to break any parsers that are already coded to handle log prefixes without the space.
I understand this concern, but I respectfully submit that most major open source projects that build iptables policies add in the space already, and any parser that is worth its salt would therefore have to handle both cases. That is, parsers have to handle log prefixes that contain the trailing space and prefixes that omit it. In addition, all three of the shorewall, ipcop, and fwbuilder projects build in the trailing space to the log prefixes they generate, so parsers are already more likely to handle prefixes with the space than without it because these are popular projects for building iptables policies.
From now on, I will maintain a patch as a part of the psad project that modifies the iptables binary such that if the last character in a log prefix is not a space, then the code will add one automatically. A similar strategy could be implemented in the kernel, but it seems that a less invasive and a more easily deployed solution is to patch the iptables userland binary. A patch that implements this for iptables-1.3.8 has been checked into the psad source tree, and you can download it here. You can apply it as follows, and then recompile and install iptables:
$ cd iptables-1.3.8
$ wget -O iptables-1.3.8_LOG_prefix_space.patch
$ patch -p0 < iptables-1.3.8_LOG_prefix_space.patch
patching file extensions/libipt_LOG.c
With this patch, all of your existing iptables scripts will function exactly as they always
have; no additional space is added for any iptables log prefix that already has a trailing
space - only those that are missing the space will be changed. It is my hope that the
Netfilter project will incorporate this patch into iptables.